August 2023: Volunteer Spotlight
Katie English is a regular smiling face in our garden. She helps with our Gardening for Good program every Monday, and in the colder months moves inside to help in the Soup Kitchen. Katie provides such a bright light in our week by being a true team player in all aspects of our mission. We are so grateful for her continued support and appreciate her constant positive attitude and hard work! Learn more about what motivates Katie to spend her time with us.
Katie seeding plants in the greenhouse with the garden crew.
Tell me a little about yourself. Where are you originally from? How long have you lived in Greenville?
I moved from Michigan about a year ago. I moved to an apartment to give myself a chance to acclimate and house hunt. My favorite thing to do is to dig in the dirt. So living in an apartment, I missed that.
How long/often do you volunteer at PH?
I volunteer every Monday in the garden!
How did you learn about Project Host and what drew you to volunteering in the Soup Kitchen?
I saw a blurb in the GVL online news letter that comes out daily that Project Host was looking for volunteers to work in their garden area. I've been volunteering in soup kitchens with my family starting around 10 years old and continued through adulthood with my Church. Being new to the area, this filled both my need of gardening and serving my community!
What motivates you to spend your time at Project Host?
I think Project Host is an amazing place. Homegrown veggies to use in the soup kitchen, as well in Chef Cary's culinary school. I've never been a part of anything so unique and wonderful! I think my favorite part of the garden is to come in every Monday and witness the change! It's so beautiful back there.
What’s your favorite memory from volunteering at Project Host?
I had never worked in a greenhouse before. It’s been so much fun learning all about the process. Planting and seeding on one Monday and then the next Monday coming in to brand new plants! I'm just so glad to be a part of Project Host! I also volunteered inside in the winter, which I really enjoyed and look forward to doing the same this winter!