Our work is made possible by Greenville neighbors giving their time and resources to care for the most vulnerable in our community. Without you—the many volunteers, sponsors, and donors who continuously support our various programs—we simply could not do what we do.
Project Host relies on donations to keep our programs running. Complete the form below to provide a monetary contribution. It costs less than $3.00 to feed an individual, so any donation size is helpful. To donate food or other items, please call us or email info@projecthost.org.

Like many nonprofits, we rely on our volunteers. If you have time to give, please consider working in one of our programs to help Project Host carry out our mission. Soup Kitchen volunteers are needed Sunday-Friday from 9am until 1pm. Garden volunteers are needed Monday-Friday.

Support Our Social Enterprises
Our HostMobile food truck and our Bakery support internship opportunities for our most promising students. All proceeds from sales go back to supporting our programs. Learn more about the HostMobile and Bakery, as well as our catering services, and please consider becoming a customer or partner today!