August 2024: Volunteer Spotlight

Aaron began volunteering with us earlier this year and helping out in the kitchen quickly became a part of his weekly routine. His favorite part of volunteering is being able to come together with like-minded individuals to make a difference in people’s lives each and every day. With his culinary background, Aaron graciously assisted our culinary team during our July Community Dinner. Thank you so much for bringing such a fun attitude and willingness to our kitchens every day! Learn more about Aaron’s story here.

Tell me a little about yourself. Where are you originally from? How long have you lived in Greenville?

I was born and raised in rural southeast Arizona. I was brought up in the culinary scene with my first summer job as a busboy when I was around 14 years old. I moved with work as a chef from Phoenix, AZ to Asheville, NC in 2013, then to Greenville in late 2019 where I have happily set down roots. 

How did you learn about Project Host and what drew you to volunteering in the Soup Kitchen? 

I live quite close to Project Host and while working in downtown Greenville I would ride my bike past numerous times a week. I always thought if I could carve out some spare time, I'd love to help out in a soup kitchen, and in April free time presented itself, so here was are!

How long/often do you volunteer at PH?

I started volunteering at PH in April 2024 and I try to help out 4-5 days a week. 

What motivates you to spend your time at Project Host? 

There is a different set of volunteers throughout the week, as well as great kitchen managers and captains, but what really motivates me is our guests. Many of them returning daily for a well planned and nutritionally balanced meal. 

What’s your favorite memory from volunteering? 

My first day volunteering soars high in my memory! It was the first time seeing and being part of a group that comes together with the sole purpose of helping others in our community.  

How has volunteering at Project Host shaped/changed your view of Greenville? 

Greenville is a beautiful city in the foot of the mountains, full of greenspaces, rivers, a vibrant culinary scene, and welcoming residents. But for all the bright sides of this community, there is also community in need. Volunteering has really helped broaden my awareness of the challenges others face, and hunger truly shouldn't be one of them. Volunteerism fosters even more volunteerism and I think Greenville is full of many people that would love to take part in that.

VolunteersAnnamarie Bell