March 2022: Volunteer of the Month
Mary Helms makes sandwiches for guests in the Soup Kitchen.
Mary Helms, a retired school teacher of 33 years, has been volunteering with Project Host ever since she felt comfortable coming out again after being vaccinated against COVID. Cathy Moore nominated Mary as volunteer of the month because, “Mary is very reliable and will take on any task with a smile. She is a very compassionate woman and recently even went out of her way to help one of our clients with transportation from Greenville to Travelers Rest so he could start a new job.”
How did you hear about Project Host?
I have lived in the Greenville community for 25 years, and I’ve always been aware of it. Two years ago when COVID started, I was serving as chair of the Sisk Foundation at Bumcombe Street United Methodist, and Project Host applied for a grant to buy kitchen equipment. The Sisk Foundation does site visits, and I chose to come to Project Host to interview and tour. COVID ending up shutting everything down so we did a phone interview instead, but as soon as COVID restrictions were lifted and I had my shot and my booster, I thought, I have got to do something other than sit and read books. Project Host immediately came to my mind, I came, and I was captured!
What motivates you to spend your time at Project Host?
I love working as a team and working with Cathy. I love the purpose of the ministry.
What is your relationship to our Soup Kitchen guests?
I think it’s very friendly. I know several by name and enjoy talking to them.
What’s your favorite part of volunteering?
I know it’s what Christ wanted me to do!