May 2022: Volunteer of the Month
Gail Tracy works with other volunteers to prepare a meal in the Soup Kitchen.
Gail Tracy is a retired flight attendant and was looking for something to occupy her time and keep her busy. She wanted to give back to the community, and Project Host was lucky enough to be the place where Gail decided to devote her time.
How did you hear about Project Host?
Facebook! For some reason I was scrolling through things, and I saw that you were doing some type of dinner, and then I started looking into the organization. I tried to get involved with volunteering but the slots were always full, so I just kept checking it. One time I did get in, and I came, and I’ve been here ever since!
What motivates you to spend your time at Project Host?
I’m very blessed, and I just want to give back.
What is your relationship to our Soup Kitchen guests?
When guests come in, to see the joy on their faces when they receive something and knowing that I was a part of that, the interaction right there says it all.
What’s your favorite part of volunteering?
Seeing all the faces that light up a room. There’s one woman who says, “God bless,” to all the volunteers, and my feeling is they are blessing me. They have no roof over their heads. It’s very humbling.
I think everybody should do it—give of their time. It’s very easy to give money, but it’s a whole different experience to actually give of your time. And once you do it, it becomes very addicting, and you want to do it more and more. To see the smiles on people’s faces—I can’t describe it.