September 2021: Volunteers of the Month
Mark and Karen Vollrath
Mark and Karen Vollrath have been volunteering for several years with our Soup Kitchen, and we are extremely grateful for their hard work and dedication. They volunteer consistently each week and jump in wherever they are needed. Project Host wanted to know what it is about volunteering in our Soup Kitchen that keeps them coming back week after week.
How did you hear about Project Host?
We moved to South Carolina from New Jersey after retiring. Our experience with the Interfaith Hospitality Network and soup kitchens in New Jersey led us to find a way to help in Greenville. We had worked in a soup kitchen before, so we went online a few years ago looking for an opportunity and found Project Host.
What motivates you to spend your time at Project Host?
We are big believers in paying it forward and giving back for our blessings.
What is your relationship to our Soup Kitchen guests?
We like to share encouragement where we can. Maybe just a smile and letting them know that they are in our thought and our prayers. And they do the same so it kind of goes both ways. I think that we get more out of the relationship than they maybe do.
How has volunteering at Project Host changed your view of Greenville?
We were very impressed with how many areas of the community Project Host touches. We were inspired to find that in a town like Greenville that is expanding all across the board,. Working with people from different environments with different jobs is a gift.
What’s your favorite part of volunteering?
We have been with different crews each week and have been able to build friendships. It is great to be able to give and receive encouragement.