Leading with Heart: The Women Behind Project Host

Women’s History Month is a time to celebrate the stories, strength, and successes of the women who shape our world—including the incredible women right here at Project Host. To honor this month, we asked our team a series of fun and thought-provoking questions about the women who inspire them, the advice they’d give their younger selves, and more. Their answers are bold, heartfelt, and full of personality—just like them. Keep reading to get to know the powerhouse women behind our mission!

Photographed by Escobar Photography

What female public figure, past or present, inspires you and why? 

Michelle: Dolly Parton—she really uses her fame and $$ for good and she’s very humble about it. 

Annamarie: Meghan Markle. She embodies resilience, grace, and the courage to challenge the status quo. She’s redefined what it means to be a modern royal, using her voice to advocate for gender equality, mental health awareness, and racial justice—all while handling relentless scrutiny with poise. One of my favorite things she’s done is her work with the Together: Our Community Cookbook, a project that supports a community kitchen led by women affected by the Grenfell Tower fire. It’s a beautiful example of how food brings people together and creates lasting change. If you haven’t checked it out, you definitely should! 

Meredith: Eugenia Duke, turned her sandwich hustle into a mayonnaise empire while also blessing the world with Duke’s Mayo. Legend.

Cathy: Mother Teresa. Her missionary working serving the poorest of the poor was noble work. 

What is something you would tell a younger version of yourself?  

Michelle: Speak up! Girls aren’t necessarily taught that their experiences and opinions have value. 

Annamarie: Prioritize your peace, health and happiness. The truth is, when you authentically show up for yourself every single day, in the ways that bring you happiness and peace, you add such light to the world. There is nothing more magnetic than someone fully owning who they are, even in a room full of strangers.

Meredith: Get your shit together. 

Cathy: Don't be so self-conscious. Everyone has their struggles and we are all less than perfect. 

If you could create a "Women's History Month Hall of Fame," who would be in it? 

Michelle: There are so many options but, I definitely think women of color are underrepresented so, I’d add Mae Jemison, first black female astronaut to travel in space and Luisa Moreno, a Guatemalan born writer and labor activist in the 1930-40's.

Annamarie: In philanthropy, Dolly Parton earns her spot for her Imagination Library and generous disaster relief efforts. On the music side, I have to go with Cher—a true icon who has reinvented herself across decades and never stopped using her voice for good. And for activism, Malala Yousafzai for her fearless fight for girls' education.

Meredith: Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Dolly Parton, Notorious RBG, Bonita Bost, Oprah.

Cathy: All of the female figures in my life from my Mother to my Grandmothers to my Aunts and my female cousins.  We were all very close growing up and each and every one of them imparted wisdom on me in very different ways.

What is one issue related to women's rights that you are passionate about? 

Michelle: Healthcare! We are so far behind in researching women’s healthcare. 

Annamarie: The right for women to have the highest attainable standard of mental and physical health. This means having the opportunity and resources to live a life in dignity, with equal access and respect.  

Meredith: I’m not sure there’s one particular issue I’m most passionate about more so than just generally being over women’s rights mostly being decided by a bunch of grey faced dudes with $2 haircuts.

Cathy: Autonomy over my body.

Can you name a female artist who has significantly impacted your life? 

Michelle: Sinead O’Connor. I grew up Catholic, she was right about sex abuse in the church and she was “cancelled” for calling it out. That is terrifying and so powerful also, her voice is amazing! 

Annamarie: Stevie Nicks - Her voice, lyrics, fierceness, fashion, and activism. She is a pioneer for women in rock music. I mean, what’s not to love!

“To stand up for the women of the United States and their daughters and granddaughters – and the men that love them.” - Stevie Nicks 

Meredith: Sister Rosetta Tharpe deserves a lot of credit for rock n roll, so forever grateful. Dolly is the sun we all want to rotate around. And I would very much like to be in a group text with Beyoncé and T-Swift.

Cathy: Dolly Parton. Her spirit of giving is unmatched.

What is a fun fact about a historical woman that most people might not know? 

Michelle: I am related on my mother’s side to Lydia Chapin Taft, who was the first woman to vote in the “new world” by proxy for her deceased husband in Massachusetts Colony in 1756. Her name was often used during the women’s suffrage movement.

Annamarie: The first novel in the world was written by a woman! How cool is that. The Tale of Genji, written in c. 1000 CE by Murasaki Shikibu, a Japanese woman. 

Meredith: Apparently Julia Childs invented shark repellent during her brief time working for the CIA. As someone with an unnatural fear of sharks, I respect it.

Cathy: Although Mother Teresa had a good relationship with her mother, she never saw her again after she left home at the age of 18 because she devoted her life to helping others.

Who is your favorite female movie character? 

Michelle: Molly Weasley—she was a force!

Annamarie: Evelyn in Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. She confronts her past mistakes, evolving into a strong, empowered individual and learns to appreciate living in the NOW.  

“It's a sign that anyone, no matter how boring or mundane their life may be, has the potential to grow into something amazing, and you never know where life may take you, but it's important to find joy wherever it does.” - Rob Lee 

Meredith: I’m having a real hard time narrowing it down for this one. Way too many choices in movies, can I cheat and go TV? I’ve probably watched the whole 30 Rock series an embarrassing amount of times, so Tina Fey as Liz Lemon? 

“I believe that all anyone really wants in this life is to sit in peace and eat a sandwich."  - Liz Lemon  

Cathy: Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Growing up, was there someone in your life that inspired you to become who you are today? Who was it and why? 

Michelle: My mother, Royann Kinel. Mom was a dental hygienist and knew just about everyone in my hometown. She worked hard but always put our family first. She’s a great listener and shows people so much kindness and empathy. She’s spending her retirement volunteering and travelling, definite goals. I’m always proud when people tell me I’m just like her! 

Annamarie: My mom, Abbey Bell. She has always had such a big heart for giving back to the community and advocating for those who don’t have a voice. Our family has had our fair share of hardships over the years, but she has always been able to remain strong in her morals and values. I admire her work ethic, boldness and ability to light up any room. She taught me at an early age to never let others decide your value or worth for you, and I never have. 

Meredith: When I was 5-ish my kindergarten class was only half days but I had an older brother in the 2nd grade at the same school who stayed the full afternoon. Most days mom would pick me up, we’d run errands for a couple of hours and then go back to pick my brother up. On the best days we would go to Anita’s restaurant in Simpsonville for lunch, just the two of us. Always the same waitress, super sweet lady who would dote on me and sometimes surprise me with fried ice cream. Anita’s husband was always out front with a stockpile of toys and games behind the counter to keep the kids entertained. Anita’s was a favorite for decades and when I had my son the very same sweet waitress, who I swear never aged, doted on Hugo and Anita’s husband was still crushing it with goofy bits and dad jokes. I think in the 30 plus years my family ate there I saw Anita in person maybe 3 times. She was always in the kitchen, I assume. I love the idea of being someone’s, or some family’s go-to space for joy. They have a birthday, anniversary, first date and wanna celebrate with one of your meals? That’s so wild to me, and when someone trusts you enough to feed them on the regular? I don’t know how to articulate how much that means. 

Cathy: Absolutely my Mother, Deanna Alaire Bertovich (Pace). She was the epitome of grace and kindness. She would do anything for anyone. She instilled some very redeeming qualities in me; like compassion, hard work, generosity and acceptance. She was only on this earth a short time, but her impact will live on as long as I am breathing. Rest in Peace, Mom. 5/7/38 to 3/25/00.

StaffAnnamarie Bell